Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Birthday, America!

Today started out a little rough. Nathan was sick... But by lunch, he was feeling better and his fever, that began last night, was gone. Praise God for health again :)
While Nathan recovered from the bug, Faith & Daddy went firework shopping this morning. Then, after dinner, it was time to see what they bought. The kids were all excited. Nathan & Faith knew what to expect, Ruthie hadn't a clue. But that didn't stop her excitement.
We all sat out on the driveway and watched Daddy set off fireworks.
All were cool, some bigger than others. And only one made Ruth cry. But once she knew what to expect, she wasn't phased by other loud blasts - and she was more willing to let Mommy hold her ears ;)

Jacob got some sparklers, too - last year they were all duds. This year, they worked great!

Nathan wasn't quite sure what to think about the sparklers at first - though he was certainly fascinated! Faith was a little too cautious to hold one the first few times. 

And Ruthie? She just loved all the new sights, sounds, and attention. And a "big" chair she could climb in and out of. And in and out. And in and out.

Our neighbor's grandchildren were visiting from out of town, and came out to see the fireworks. Their youngest is 4 and so Nathan & Faith made quick friends with the little guy. And he enjoyed the sparklers, too!

When there was just one sparkler left, Faith decided she was up to trying it out!
I think she enjoyed it a lot!

Thank you, Daddy, for a fun night of fireworks.

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