Friday, November 29, 2013

Christmas Ideas

Happy day after Thanksgiving!

A few family members have asked for Christmas ideas/sizes for the kids. So I figured I'd put together a list and share it with anyone interested - plus, it's a way for me to remember what the kids were into when they were little :)

* Size 6-7 in shirts and pants. I try to stick with 7 slims in pants. But some companies offer a 6, and that fits well... other companies skip the 6 and go straight to 7s... I don't understand it. (BTW, how did he grow so fast?!?!)
* Size 13.5 or 1 in shoes
* Nathan is currently in love with legos - especially ninja legos (which he has none of). He also loves playmobil and is fascinated with erector sets - though he doesn't have any yet. He'll tell you I told him he could get an erector set when he's 9, but that was before I knew they make them for kids as young as 4!... Any of those things are great ideas for our mini-engineer who loves puzzles & problem solving things. He also loves creative art stuff. We got him a bunch of light up legos, but that was before his recent ninja fascination started (that'll teach mom to start Christmas shopping in September...)

* Size 6 in shirts, dresses & PJs. 5 (not 5T) in pants. She's REALLY hard to fit for jeans. I won't buy jeans anymore unless she's there to try them on. So stick with non-jeans
* Size 11 in shoes
* Faith is harder to shop for when it comes to toys... She doesn't have much of an attention span. She really doesn't care for most electronics. She just loves anything that spurs on her imagination. At the moment, that's unicorns. She has asked for "a real unicorn that she can ride, that talks and won't poop on my pillow" for Christmas. She loves little dolls/ponies and small toys that she can play make-believe with. She's also in love (still) with My Little Pony everything.

* Size 3T in long sleeve shirts and pants. But size 4T in short sleeve shirts or PJs.
* Size 7 in shoes
* Ruth is our book lover. I use to think Nathan loved books. Ruth puts him to shame. She would love nothing more than for you to just read to her ALL. DAY. LONG. And if you give her a dum dum (lollipop) to suck on while you read to her... well, you'll have a friend for life! Ruth likes playing make-believe, too. On a 2 year old's level. Her favorite thing at home is "cooking", so we got her a bunch of play food. Not sure what else we'll find to get her though. Ruth enjoys trying to participate in whatever game/activity her big sibs are doing at the moment. Therefore, she also loves My Little Ponies and Ninja Lego warriors...

We're looking forward to seeing some family in a few weeks, and can't wait to see the rest of you sometime in 2014! We're so thankful to God for the blessing of our families!