Thursday, January 16, 2014

A Little Notice

Yup... Ruth's going to be a BIG sister!
And we're going to be parents to FOUR!... Ahhh!
What's the story?
Jacob & I always wanted 4. Well, I did. I think he did ;)
But Nathan, Faith, and Ruth have all been super great kids and easy babies. #4 would surely mean doom, right? Should we risk it? We were on the fence.
Then I got pregnant in August 2013. And lost it September 1.
But it made me pretty confident that I was ready for a #4.
Ok, maybe confident isn't the right word... But we stopped trying to prevent it ;)
Anyways, we decided to wait a little longer before announcing this one. But, uh... I've got little patience in keeping secrets like this. haha! Hey, we waited 7 weeks - that's more than 5 ;)  Things feel much more normal with this pregnancy and worries have (mostly) diminished.
I had my hunch I was pregnant, just before Christmas. Brought a test with me to AZ, with plans to test Christmas Eve. I even brought the "Mommy's Best Gift" onsie we used to prank Uncle Junior last year, that he'd left behind in OH (how could he not want that?!?!). I'd planned to give it to Jacob on Christmas morning. But it wasn't to be. The test was negative and I figured my pregnant feelings were just a mind game. So the onsie went to Uncle Dave. But with little planning, it wasn't nearly as funny of a prank!

In a few days, it became more and more evident that something was up... so I bought a new test and tested 2 days after Christmas. It was a slight positive! Yikes! Jacob was super sick that day - and it was our last day in AZ. So I shared the news with my family in person, but wanted to wait a few more weeks before telling more. And now know that my family can  keep a secret - haha!

Our kids don't know. I think we're going to wait till closer to Easter to tell them. That should cut down majorly on the constant barrage of questions:
"Mommy, is there a baby in your belly?
Mommy, did you eat the baby?
Mommy, how'd the baby get in your belly?
Mommy, when will the baby come out?
 Mommy, can we see the baby?
Mommy, is there still a baby in your belly?
 Mommy, is the baby a girl?
Mommy, what's the baby's name?
 Mommy, is there still a baby in your belly?
Mommy, when is the baby coming out of your belly?
Mommy, is there a baby in Daddy's belly?
Mommy, how come we can't see the baby?
Mommy, how many days till se meet baby?
Mommy, was I a baby in your belly when I was little?
Mommy? Mommy? Mommy? Mommy?" 
You get the picture. Most of you have probably been there, done that.

We'll tell the kids when we find out if it's a boy or girl.
Any guesses? I'm starting to think boy. But who knows... either way we're ready!
I'm getting sickish from 4-7pm most days. Not really sick... just not quite right.
(haha, I heard that)

But, really, I got sick - really sick - with Faith every day at 4pm for a while.
So maybe we're having another drama queen?

Then again, I'm not getting lightheaded when I'm hungry or stand for more than 5 minutes... like I did with both girls - a lot.

Either way, we'll find out in early April. And we'll let you know ;)

That's about all the exciting news from here.

Oh, yes, we're taking foster parenting classes... cause 4's not enough apparently.
We hope to get licensed and accept a placement in May or June. But we're not sure what the agency's rules are on that. If we take a child in, it'll be at least a few months before baby comes so that if the foster child is still with us when he/she arrives, it won't be a jolt to them and our own kids. We'll go inactive after the baby and start back up in mid 2015. It's an exciting adventure - even if we don't officially start till 2015.
 Guess there's a bunch going on in our home lately. Oddly it feels like it's actually slowed down a bit, since I stepped back on a few roles with MOPS and church. We're back on track with homeschooling and the kids are enjoying it. But, no worries, things should get crazy again in a few months.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Gingerbread Houses

While in AZ, Auntie M and Aunt Kristen each made gingerbread houses for the kids to decorate.
There was much fun to be had spending time with their aunts....

... and CANDY!

Lots of candy!

And some even made it on the houses!

Here's the kids with their delicious creations.

Thank you Auntie M & Aunt Kristen for the sugar coated fun!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

White Sands National Monument

When we decided to drive from TX to AZ for Christmas, Jacob wanted to take a side trip to see the White Sands Missile Range. I'd never heard of it. But I'm glad he had!

We never got to stop at the Missile Range...... but we did go to the White Sands National Monument. And it was totally worth the drive!

White Sands is just that. White sand. LOTS of it.
As far as your eyes can see!

The kids were excited for snow! But they quickly learned it was not snow, just sand that looks like snow.

We got sleds at the gift shop and went sledding down the dunes!

Nathan agreed that it was a blast!
Faith enjoyed her first trip down. The second one scared her.

But once at the bottom of the small dune, she jumped with excitement.
She would go one more final time before deciding there were much better things to do with the sand.

With one less person interested in sledding, there were more turns for the 3 of us that wanted to go ;)

Aww - Jacob wrote "Jacob (heart) Kim"

Ruth wasn't interested in sledding. But she had a wonderful time being carried up the dunes in Daddy's arms!

Faith was a super climber! She was up those dunes faster than anyone. Nathan, though, struggled. I guess he takes after his mother in that department - slippery/rocky/sandy slopes always trip me up, too. Nathan hopes his sister would help, but she didn't want to get pulled back down. She did, however, cheer him on!

Ruthie was as happy as could be just playing in the sand!

And Faith eventually went sledding again, on Mommy's lap.

haha - I love her faces :)

It's one giant, 275 sq mile sand box! Ruth was in heaven!

Mommy & Daddy went down the steeper slopes too scary for the kids.
That was fun! I wish I'd gone a few more times ;)
Can we go back tomorrow, honey? :D

Faith & Ruth found plenty of other ways to entertain themselves with the sand!

We can't forget sand angels!

Even Ruthie made one, with Daddy's help!

And Faith was super proud of her heart. She hopes it stays there forever so everyone can see her love. Awww ;)
I took a few short videos of Jacob & Nathan sledding. Enjoy!

For those interested in knowing a little more about White Sands, here's some pics of the info booths. You should be able to click on them to enlarge them:

Carlsbad Caverns

On our road trip home from AZ, we made a few stops. One was to Carlsbad Caverns.
Faith was obviously not so thrilled to be there....

We took a Ranger's suggestion, and rode the elevator down 750 feet to the "Big Room"
The ranger told us the climb down the main entrance often tires little kids out before they ever get to the big room. She was wise! We had no clue that the big room was so... well... BIG! 357,000+ sq feet big! It was about a mile walk just in that room, alone.

We spent most of our walk trying to point out stalactites, stalagmites, columns, draperies, soda straws popcorn formations (after we educated ourselves about them first)

Giant stalagmites

A column (stalactite touches a stalagmite)

Lots of popcorn sprinkles about

This guy hung from the ceiling - a stalactite with popcorn on the end - it was called the "Lion's Tail" and very much looked the part.

Nathan enjoyed the tour!
Ruth enjoyed riding in Daddy's arms.
And Faith.... well, she was a good sport :D

Some soda straws (skinny stalactites)

This was one of the big views. Photos don't do it justice - that was a HUGE chandelier hanging from the ceiling, and as Nathan said, a GIANT skinny carrot coming up from the floor.

The bottomless pit. With the original explorer's ladder still in it.

I got her to smile, FINALLY, when she pointed out a how this stalagmite looked like poop. haha

Nathan wanted his photo by the stalagmite that he thought looked like a giant Christmas tree.

Even Ruthie posed for a photo

Well... Ruthie wasn't up for a photo without her Daddy! She's a Daddy's girl alright! 

But as long as she was in Daddy's arms, she was as happy as could be!
Tomorrow's going to be a rough day when they face the reality that Daddy's going back to work.

After the tour, the older kids got sworn in as official National Park Service Junior Rangers.

And the ranger photo bombed the photo I attempted with the kids and their new fancy badges. At least one people is smiling and looking at the camera... :)

From the parking lot, Nathan admired the landscape.
SOOO much space - you could see for miles and miles.