Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter Egg Dying

Earlier this week, we dyed Easter Eggs. We used a dye kit this year - last year we tried kool-aid, it worked well - but a dye kit is just as cheap and a tad bit easier :) 

I remember dying Easter Eggs 2 years ago when Faith was 18 months old. Remember that blue belly? 

Faith was pretty into it. So I wasn't sure what to expect from Ruth, since she's 15 months old now. But Ruth really didn't have much interest. She's a people person - she'd rather watch other people do it! She still had fun, though. I think.

Faith, on the other hand, has always been the one unafraid to get her hands (and face and legs and belly) dirty if fun is involved :)  This year, she was considerably less messy though ;)

And big brother, always the great helper, was eager to help his baby sis out, too.

Hmmm.... what do you make of that, Ruth??
I wonder if she was thinking, "whoa... I wanted to put that in my mouth... now what?!?"

Well.... you gotta admit, it was inevitable ;)

The big kids went crazy dying the rest of the eggs.
Some one color, and then they learned they could double & triple dunk. What fun!

After the eggs dried, it was time to decorate them. 
And, we found fun decorations this year!
So while Ruth reclined and ate cheese doodles, the kids put stickers, hair & arms on their eggs (with a little gluing help from mommy)

Ahhh! What silly monsters!

And a few crazy ones, too!

Monday, March 11, 2013

I Want to Bottle Her Laugh

We're alive over here! I've been a terrible blogger, but I do have intentions of catching up soon. I hope.

Here's a little something I thought I'd share today. Ruth's laugh. She has a great one! And it's always easiest to get her laughing just before bedtime - though she'll give a great laugh anytime you toss her in the air, or tickle her side! I've never heard of a baby being as ticklish as her - Ruth started to get ticklish well before age 6 months. Just the thought of being tickled sends her into laughter now!

I keep thinking about how I want to save her laugh. Bottle it up for the future. But then I don't even have the chance to. Last night, the camera was on the table. Ruth was in a good mood. The big kids were in the other room. Jacob was home and free at the moment. We finally had a chance to capture her laugh on camera. So please excuse the messy kitchen and the pant-less baby. Carpe diem, right? :)