Thursday, May 2, 2013

Awana Awards

Last night was our annual Awana Awards program at church. Ruth hung out in the nursery, Faith went on a "date" with Daddy and Nathan & I hung out at his awards program together. He was so excited to get his Book 2 Cubbie Award, he kept getting upset that his name hadn't been called yet. So he got his first lesson in what it's like to be at the end of the alphabet. ha

Nathan excitedly went on the stage to meet his Cubbie teachers, Ms Amber & Ms Amber

He was so proud - and not a bit scared to be on stage!
He worked hard learning his Bible verses this year.

 There's his whole 4-5 year old Cubbie class. 

After awards, Cubbie Bear came out to visit the kids. Nathan always avoid mascot characters like the plague. But he said he really wanted to see Cubbie. By the time we got out to the fellowship area, Cubbie was leaving though.... poor Nathan was sooo patient while I helped my Sparky kids get their jewels in order. And he was heart broken when Cubbie was gone. But the young lady who played Cubbie was willing to slip back in the sweaty, old costume for one more photo opt. I didn't think Nathan was going to let go of Cubbie! Here he is with one of his Cubbies friends. 


  1. Where did you get the cubbie bear costume?

  2. Where did you get the cubbie bear costume?
