Monday, May 27, 2013

Natural Bridge Caverns

If you've been watching the news, you probably heard that our area had some pretty massive flooding this weekend. I heard we got 17 inches of rain in 2 days? I haven't been able to find verification of that. But I did hear the news say downtown got 9 inches in 3-4 hours on Saturday alone! 

So what's a family to do in such a downpour? Go underground, of course..... 
yeah... who's bright idea what that, Jacob?!? ;)

Uncle Junior & Aunt Monica came to visit for the long weekend and Saturday, after a call to be sure they weren't flooded, we headed out to the Natural Bridge Caverns. We were there 2 years ago, with Aunt Mary. But the kids don't remember. 

The caverns weren't completely flooded, but the walkways all doubled as water slides! 
And we walked under a few showers of water falling from the cavern ceilings. 

Some areas of the cavern were roped off, 
things we saw 2 years ago we're completely under water this weekend.

But there was still plenty of magnificent beauty to see!
Photos never do it justice. 

What do you see in this photo above?
I saw a giant jellyfish. Jacob saw an ice cream cone.
But the original discoverers saw a king's throne. 

Look close at the center of the above photo.
It's "cave bacon"!

Huge chandeliers twinkled with all the rain water and minerals. 

Everyone had a great time!
Afterwards we headed out to Cabela's. 
Then home to let our shoes dry :) 

We had a great weekend with Uncle Junior & Aunt Monica!

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