Monday, April 29, 2013

Pretzels Please

How to make pretzels. 
By Nathan  & Faith
mostly, Faith

After Mommy says the dough is ready, take a piece and make a ball. 

Roll it into a really long snake 

Cross the tops 

Then twist it around 

Now pull them to the bottom and pinch 

You did it!! 

Hmmm... Ok, you say "roll it into a snake..." 

Crisscross the tops....  


And pull it down to the....


that doesn't quite look right...... 

"Here, Naynay, let me help you!" 

"There! Another perfect pretzel by Faith!" 
Nathan, surprisingly, wasn't too opposed to his sister's help.
And Faith?? She is a rock star at pretzel making!!!

 After Mommy bakes them, brush on some butter.
Maybe some cinnamon and sugar on the unsalted ones, too.

And voila! Perfect pretzels. Now, lets go eat them! 

Thank you, Gramma, for the Auntie Anne's kit.
They're very yummy! We wish you were here to share them!

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