Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Sunday

Yesterday started out a bit rough.... While I was in the kitchen, and Jacob in the shower, Faith crawled into our bed. And threw up.... Nothing says "Our Lord has Risen!" quite like the smell of vomit.... 

But Faith seemed to be feeling fine, so we let the kids get dressed and headed downstairs to hunt for baskets before church. 

The kids, especially Nathan, think that "finding something" means standing in one spot and calling out, "basket, where are you??"  They both stood frozen for a little while until I could convince them to look for their baskets. In fact, in that above photo you can SEE Faith's basket. She just had to LOOK for it.

They're not in the kitchen set...

Or in the coat closet...

Oh! Faith spotted her's in a cubbie! 

Nathan started to get discouraged that he couldn't spot his basket. So I subtly opened the sliding glass blinds. And within a minute, he spotted his basket! Mommy had been tricky :)

Nathan was excited to see his basket - and of all the things in there (candy, hot wheels, coloring book, playdoh), I think he was most excited about the PINK chocolate bunny!

Nathan went shopping with me the day I bought stuff for everyone's baskets. He pointed out the pink chocolate bunnies and told me, "Daddy need one this!" That's "nathan-code" for "I really want that, and if  you give it to Daddy, I know he'll let me have it" ha ha  So, of course, we got "daddy" a pink bunny that evening and I put it in Nathan's basket ;)

Ruth's basket was hidden under her favorite toy - the bouncy horse.
Where she was sure to spot it once she came in the room.

Getting her to come in the play room was the hard part....
She just wanted to lay down in the middle of the living room and enjoy people staring at her.
(yes, she lays like that often.... usually she sleeping that position, feet by her ears)

Soon Ruth came in the playroom and quickly spotted her basket!

The first thing she saw, and grabbed, were the peeps. 
She LOVES those fluffy marshmallow bunnies :)
She grabbed them and gave the sweetest little squeal of joy!

Next was Daddy's turn to hunt. Where could his basket be??

Everyone was more than happy to help Daddy dig through his basket of goodies

And Ruth? She was just happy with 2 of her favorite things in the world:
Daddy & Peeps (which she carried around proudly all morning).

Before Nathan, Ruth & Daddy headed off to church, we took a group picture.
Then Mommy stayed home with our sink little Faith. By 11am, she was all done with the short lived, nasty, virus. And had (unknowingly to us) passed it on to baby sis.... but I didn't discover that till morning. yippee

After church and lunch, we let the kids have some candy. 
Ruth had her eyes on that bunny!

There were too many cute expressions not to post...

Ruth LOVED her bunny. At least his ears. Monday she had the stomach bug, so maybe Tuesday she'll move on to bunny's head. Poor little bunny. But what a brave guy to sacrifice himself for the enjoyment of a cute little girl :)

In some ways, that's what Easter is all about. Celebrating Christ's power over death after He sacrificed Himself for us, so that we wouldn't have to pay the punishment for sin: death. He paid it for us, and offers forgiveness to us, hope, mercy, patience, comfort, peace, etc - all just because He loves us and wants us to know true joy. 

While I sit in a house that still smells of vomit, even after laundry & steam cleaning.... I thank God for His promise of salvation and that one day, all those who believe and trust in Him will be in heaven with Him. In new bodies. That never get sick. And get to praise His name forever.

Happy (day after) Easter

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