Thursday, May 30, 2013

Facebookisms: Jan-May 2013

I know a few of you who read this blog are not on facebook. And I've gotten really bad about keeping up with the blog and, instead, using facebook to record silly & fun moments. It's just far too easy. But I'm going through my old facebook statuses and wanted to share ones related to the kids. Everyone says, "you gotta write this stuff down". Well, if I did that, I'd lose it. But I can't lose this blog!  I've got 5 years of stuff on fb, so I'll slowly post more fb status memories :)

Here goes.... kid sayings & moments from the last 5 months.

* Another Nathanism for the day. Faith was messing with an alarm clock and it went off on her - full blast. Scared her to pieces! I overheard Nathan console her while I turned it off, "you no be scared Faith, big brother's here" Awww!
* Noticing the cloud cover, Nathan just had a moment of panic: "oh no! The plants used up all the sun!"

* Tomato and chocolate apple pie soup. It's whats for dinner. You know you're drooling :)
* My kids are weird. It's 82 degrees outside and faith went out with her heavy winter coat on. After 2 minutes, she came inside to trade it for a poncho. 2 min later, Nathan comes in for his poncho, because "it's hot outside". Um, kids, this is Texas. We're in a drought. And it's may be unseasonably "cool", but not cool enough for wearing plastic! Gotta be their fathers genes.... (mom reminded me that I use to keep my bedroom at 85... so maybe they do get this from me after all...)
* Ruth thoroughly enjoyed her lunch today - from the top of her head to the tips of her toes! Thank you, Autumn Hokenson and Stephen Hokenson for a great luncheon!
* Laughing that this is what my kids think they need to wear to play outside this afternoon. It's May. In south Texas. And it's a blistering 61 right now. Suppose to hit all time record lows tonight. Woo hoo!
* While I took Nathan & Ruth to Awana awards, Daddy took Faith on a date tonight. I was surprised that the beat us home. But the sweetest girl ever wanted her date to be over early because she missed Nathan & Ruth!! (apparently not me?!?)

* Day 2 of Nathan and the sprinkler. he may be gullible, but he's stink' adorable in the process. One day he'll learn.... and retaliate. Ha ha :)
* "Tootie Fruities toot in the bag. They just tooted in my bowl! Thbbbbbbttttt. Nathan they're going to toot in your bowl too. Watch out!" ~ Faith Such an interesting one way conversation at breakfast this morning. Hahahahahahahahahaha

* Hehehehehe. I love this kid :)
Faith quote of the day. "Walnuts are made from Wal-Marts"

* Nathan, while watching basketball with Daddy, "go lellow team!" Faith adds, "what's the yellow team made of? Mac and cheese?"
* Faith just told me I'm not allowed to say the word WOW. She said it's because that's the name of our doggie. We don't have a doggie. But now she's walking around shouting "wow wow, where are you? Oh there you are! Good wow." She's playing fetch with him now. I wonder if our new invisible doggie will eat the mess under the high chair.

* Someone learned a valuable lesson today. Anyone want to guess what the lesson was or who learned it??
PS - he learned that stealing chocolate bunnies from Target by hiding them under his underwear elastic is not a good idea...... We got to the car, nathan pulled up his shirt and went "oh no" And i thought the same as I worried it was something other than chocolate.... then he told me what he did. And we spent the next 15 minutes trying to find an intimidating store manager to put a little fear into nathan about shoplifting. Only Target apparently only employees teenage girls.... ha  I think having to ride hom with a mess under his shirt was punishment enough for our little clean freak who can't stand to be dirty ;) 
* Nathan's dancing and singing around the house, singing "I love my momma, I love my daddy, I love Jesus, I love my sisters, I love my cousins...." What?!?! I didn't know he knew that word "cousins". Does he know something we don't know Aunt Kristen or Aunt Monica???!!

* Nathan's self portrait. I love how he gave himself eye brows but no torso or arms. And one side burn. But he does have a pretty great smile :)

* Apparently we have another poop artist in our family... Yay. I can barely contain my excitement... (Ruth)

* Trying to take a pic of Faith. Who taught Nathan how to photo bomb?!? LOL

* Wonder if this is Faith's plan for preventing baby doll blowouts? Hehe

* One of a million reasons why I love that man:

* My highlight of the morning? While walking thru Jacob's office building at lunch time, Faith is carrying her almost empty milkshake, slurping as she walks. Her voice echos thru the quiet building, "My straw is tooting! haha Daddy, My straw toots!!" hehehehehe

I overslept this morning... since we were running late I challenged the kids to a race to see who could be ready to get out the door first. Nathan won. Faith & I were putting on our shoes, Faith was eager to "win me". Oddly, she was not in her normal "the world will end if I don't get my way" mood. She just calmly turned to her brother and said, "Oh, nay-nay will you cheer for me?" hahahaha What a cutie!

 * Nathan drew me. Not sure if I should be honored that it appears he drew a halo on me, or embarrassed because it looks like I'm yelling at him. Or just concerned that he thinks I'm a smurf?

* Packing away my 13 month old's 2T shirts, cause they're all too small now. Sniff sniff. I find it insane that Ruth's now wearing some clothes that Faith for in just a few months ago....

* Nathan told Jacob that his favorite animal is a pokasaurus. During bedtime prayers, thanked God for them.
PS - ever since then, when Daddy puts the kids to bed they play a little game. The kids climb under their covers and ask Jacob "What's your favorite animal?" the kids each ask Daddy. Then he pokes & tickles as he replies "the pokeasaurus!" Then the kids remind Daddy, "Daddy ask me what my favorite animal" He does and they make us something just as silly. It's a sweet little game. I'm sure it's intended to put off bedtime, but it's still cute.

* Celebrating national pancake day with pancakes! First (and possibly last?) time I'vel ever taken 3 little kids to a restaurant alone. But everyone had fun and you can't beat free pancakes :)

I can't think of any sound better than that of your own kids making each other laugh!

Some things my 4 year old has said to me today:
               - "haha, you can't find me, I behind the bed and you cant find me!" 
               - between bouts of laughter, he struggles to find breathe to say, "I not ticklish!"
               - After I said, "Your momma is so awesome!", Nathan replied, "I know my momma awesome". All the greater, it was the tone he used. It was an "that's old news" voice ;) I love that little boy!

* Every mother dreams of the day their child will come crying to them, at bedtime, to share that they can't get a raisin out of their nose... Thankful that God allowed me to get it out without needing a trip to the ER with 3 kids in PJs.... Oh, what my kids will apparently do to extend bedtime...

* FYI - babies crawl extra fast when you give them cotton candy :)

* New vocabulary word of the day... Discombobulated. Now our kids are laughing hysterically and calling everyone/everything they see, "you bobolated, daddy!"

* Ruth's one year appointment was today. And for the first time we have a child NOT in the 99th percentile for height. She's "short", in only the 75th!!

I think it's hysterical that when my 4 year old gets mad that I won't let him have what he wants, he literally says, "boo hoo hoo" and then pouts
* Spent the last 3 hours trying to reorganize, purge and find room for all the Christmas gifts in our playroom. With the kids awake.... Why do I even try?!? I may as well go brush my teeth while eating Oreos.

* You know those first 15 min of takeoff when the whole plane is anxiously quiet?? Know what my kids were doing then? Blowing up their whoopee cushions, squeezing them, giggling a lot and shouting "haha, I tooted!!" Then doing it all over agai, and again. Thank you, Sara J Clark for the laughter you gave to a plane full of strangers today. Haha

Monday, May 27, 2013

Natural Bridge Caverns

If you've been watching the news, you probably heard that our area had some pretty massive flooding this weekend. I heard we got 17 inches of rain in 2 days? I haven't been able to find verification of that. But I did hear the news say downtown got 9 inches in 3-4 hours on Saturday alone! 

So what's a family to do in such a downpour? Go underground, of course..... 
yeah... who's bright idea what that, Jacob?!? ;)

Uncle Junior & Aunt Monica came to visit for the long weekend and Saturday, after a call to be sure they weren't flooded, we headed out to the Natural Bridge Caverns. We were there 2 years ago, with Aunt Mary. But the kids don't remember. 

The caverns weren't completely flooded, but the walkways all doubled as water slides! 
And we walked under a few showers of water falling from the cavern ceilings. 

Some areas of the cavern were roped off, 
things we saw 2 years ago we're completely under water this weekend.

But there was still plenty of magnificent beauty to see!
Photos never do it justice. 

What do you see in this photo above?
I saw a giant jellyfish. Jacob saw an ice cream cone.
But the original discoverers saw a king's throne. 

Look close at the center of the above photo.
It's "cave bacon"!

Huge chandeliers twinkled with all the rain water and minerals. 

Everyone had a great time!
Afterwards we headed out to Cabela's. 
Then home to let our shoes dry :) 

We had a great weekend with Uncle Junior & Aunt Monica!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Dr Seuss & Daddy

I looked up from the kitchen the other day to this sight. 
I love this man - and his little kids adore him, too :)

As always, Ruth has to be the center of attention. 
And Faith can't sit still - even for Daddy story time :)

All Alone

Ruth never wants to be alone. She rarely plays well on her own. Unless there's stairs or food involved... ha  She loves her big brother and sister and always needs to be with them or, most often, with Mommy.

She had been such an easy, content baby for the first 15 months! What happened?! It's taken us a bit by surprise with how needy and demanding she is getting. My theory is that for so long what she wanted was what we wanted, so she feels like she's always had her way. And now that her way is not our way, she's demanding. And, probably, the terrible twos are starting to set in a little early... yippee.......

Earlier this week, Nathan was outside and I was helping Faith with something. I looked up to see where Ruth went - she wasn't in her normal spot, screaming at my feet. She was playing. By herself! woo hoo!!

By the time I grabbed a camera, she was no longer in the cute position I first spotted her in - sitting in a basket, still halfway tucked into a cubbie. But I still thought these were cute enough to share :)

Yay for baby steps in breaking clingy baby syndrome! 

Awana Awards

Last night was our annual Awana Awards program at church. Ruth hung out in the nursery, Faith went on a "date" with Daddy and Nathan & I hung out at his awards program together. He was so excited to get his Book 2 Cubbie Award, he kept getting upset that his name hadn't been called yet. So he got his first lesson in what it's like to be at the end of the alphabet. ha

Nathan excitedly went on the stage to meet his Cubbie teachers, Ms Amber & Ms Amber

He was so proud - and not a bit scared to be on stage!
He worked hard learning his Bible verses this year.

 There's his whole 4-5 year old Cubbie class. 

After awards, Cubbie Bear came out to visit the kids. Nathan always avoid mascot characters like the plague. But he said he really wanted to see Cubbie. By the time we got out to the fellowship area, Cubbie was leaving though.... poor Nathan was sooo patient while I helped my Sparky kids get their jewels in order. And he was heart broken when Cubbie was gone. But the young lady who played Cubbie was willing to slip back in the sweaty, old costume for one more photo opt. I didn't think Nathan was going to let go of Cubbie! Here he is with one of his Cubbies friends.