Sunday, February 22, 2015

Jonathan is 5 months old!

Poor Jonathan, I'm rarely sharing many of his adventures and milestones. So lets play catch up.

When Jonathan was 4 months old, he was 17lb, 1oz! Thats the 82nd percentile. So as big as he is, he's got nothing on Nathan. Nathan was almost 20lb and in the 100th percentile! And my arms aren't complaining!!

Jonathan is in the 75th percentile for height, at almost 26'' long. He's getting close to outgrowing his infant car seat.

He wears a size 9-12 month, still. It's nice! He was wearing 9-12 months at Christmas time, too. Though some 9month PJs no longer fit - he has the long torso all his siblings have. And shorter legs - he still fits 6month pants.

He's still a smiley, happy baby! He's been sleeping through the night for a few months (usually 9pm-8am). Though he's not the greatest of nappers... One day last week, while his sisters napped and he was just too darn happy to nap, he and I played a silly game and took some photos. hehe

Hopefully you can tell, his eyes are still bright blue with no signs that might change. Yay! - we might have finally gotten a blue eye'd babe to take after his daddy & grampa! And, although I'm sure he's teething, there are no signs of a tooth yet.

He's trying to sit up, he prefers to see what's going on around him. That's lead to him rolling out of his bouncy seat and even falling out of his swing once (which we no longer use - for that reason). But he cannot yet sit up on his own.

Jonathan doesn't roll from his tummy to his back yet, either. I blame me. I rarely give him tummy time because he hates it and I have too much going on to help find ways to get him to enjoy it. BUT he CAN roll from his back to his belly - go figure! He's been trying for weeks. But that silly arm just gets in the way. This morning, in the nursery, he figured it out! And I was serving there, so I got to help cheer him on!  He decided he likes to be on his belly - when he puts himself there. haha

Just after he rolled back-belly for the first time - in the church nursery.

Jonathan has discovered his hands and feet. For the last few weeks, his toys have become his favorite toy to suck on. And his hands will grab anything he can reach. Faith has learned this the hard way - baby's like hair ;)

He wants to grab whatever is near him

He's already learning to annoy his sisters!

And he's met a little girl friend, too! Trying to hold her hand during our Life Group meeting ;)

Jonathan has begun tasting "real food," if you can call rice cereal that. I've slowly been stocking the freezer with baby food as produce is on sale. Here's photos of his first taste of "food."

He absolutely adores his daddy. And second best is his big brother, Nathan.

But when he's ready for bed at night, no one will do quite like daddy! In fact, he doesn't go to sleep nearly as easily for me when Jacob is traveling. Jonathan just loves his Daddy, and the hypnotizing images from Daddy's Bonanza shows ;)

Yup, he's still swaddled. He doesn't go to sleep well without that swaddle blanket! But he doesn't stay asleep if he's swaddled... so it's a delicate task of loosening the velcro once he's asleep, to give him freedom without waking him ;)  He sucks on his fingers while he sleeps. So if he's startled by something, he finds his fingers and soothes himself right back to sleep. We are blessed!

The other evening he had far too many giggles to go to sleep. He's usally quite talkative/babbly in the evenings, but for once I caught some of it on video. Enjoy the short video:

Jonathan is growing up quickly! It's only been 5 months and I already can't remember life without him!
He loves his Mommy, too. Even if I am 2nd to Daddy

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