This was me at 38 weeks. |
Here's some photos from our sonogram. Disappointed? Yeah, us too. We knew we'd see very little because he's squished in there. But I had no clue we'd not be able to make out anything! The tech said it's because his bones are denser now and cast shadows. Interesting.
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On the left is his heart, on the right is the top of his head. |
The tech was unable to get a picture of the baby's face, as he's in the proper birthing position, head engaged and facing downward. Don't get too excited. He's been in that position for 5 weeks now. Yeah, that's not a typo. FIVE weeks. We had good reason to think he'd be here by now, huh?
Baby just hasn't been ready. Or maybe mommy's been too stressed? Maybe both. My body is more than ready. Without getting into all the TMI details, lets just say my midwife said she hasn't seen a cervix as ripe as mine in years. So what's the hold up, buddy?!
I've had whats called prodromal labor for 3 weeks now. It's more than braxton hicks, its real labor. That just stops for no reason. Almost nightly I have contractions that are 5 minutes apart for 2 hours, and then stop, regardless of how I try to keep it going (and I've tried just about everything). This last week all has been eerily quiet though... making me wonder that maybe next time it starts up, it'll be the real thing?
Monday night I took castor oil. Uh huh, I was desperate. It's one of the two things I hadn't yet tried. Castor oil milkshakes... not so yummy. And the 2nd one tastes worse than the first. Lucky for me, or unlucky, not much happened. I had contractions for a while that evening and then all stopped. No explosions. But I did have an interesting conversation with the cashier who asked me why I was buying castor oil. What is up with nosy cashiers!? Do they really want to know about their customers bowel movements?!?
Anyways, all has been too quiet since Monday night. Baby is moving at his normal times, and no weird symptoms for me. So all is well in that regard. For that, we're grateful! But Gramma came to meet, and help, with baby. And her flight is scheduled to leave tomorrow - and still no baby. Did I mention stress? No pressure.
So I met with the midwife again today and she's no longer a happy lady. She had her game face on. She's serious today. Baby WILL come this weekend. Or else. She left me with a boat load of "goodies" to take every 15 minutes. Awful tasting stuff that should kick-start labor. It's the last thing I haven't tried. So, bottoms up.
My midwife said once I'm having good contractions, she will break my water. It's kind of her last resort. The most severe thing she can safely do for a home birth. But, unlike OBs, she won't do it till labor has begun. I'm 4cm, bag of waters is bulging and baby is at the 0 station, so I'm right there on the edge - hopefully these tinctures push me over and baby comes fast tonight.
So if you're reading this and haven't heard yet that there's a newborn in our family, would you say a prayer for baby and I? That I can relax, labor starts soon, and baby comes safe and fast. Pray for the kids and Gramma, too ;)
Hopefully I'll be sharing photos tomorrow of the 6th member of our family :D
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