* After 6 days with Gramma,
Faith has perfected her "how could a sweet girl like me do anything
bad" look. And she thinks it'll work on me now, too. Sorry, girl - you may
be super adorable, but I'm not Gramma.
* Jacob just asked
the kids if they were excited about church in the morning (we've missed the
last 2 Sundays... something about a newborn). Faith got excited and said,
"get to sing bout Jesus?" Jacob started singing Jesus Loves Me and
Faith immediately hung her head and frowned. Then she said, "Daddy no sing
good" LOL
* First day on my own
with 3 kids = not that successful. But everyone's still alive, so I guess we're
doing better than I think :) (Jan 9, 2012)
* so far, day 2 alone with kids is going great! It helps that Ruth slept for 7 hours last night!!!!!!!!!! (if only I could have not woken every 20 minutes to be sure she was still alive... lol). Hopefully the good behavior/patience holds up for 30 more hours, since most likely day 2 will merge into my 1st night alone and 3rd day alone all-in-one. (hubby is most likely gunna get stuck spending the night near Waco). here's hoping all four of us get a good nap in :)
* Ruth did it again! She slept 7 hours straight last night. Praise God!! 8:30pm-3:30am. I need to start learning to go to bed at 8:30 and take better advantage of her sleep schedule!! At least I didn't wake every 20 minutes last night, instead, it was every 45. So I feel more rested, too ;-) I'd forgotten how so little sleep could actually feel like a lot! (Jan 11, 2012)
* so far, day 2 alone with kids is going great! It helps that Ruth slept for 7 hours last night!!!!!!!!!! (if only I could have not woken every 20 minutes to be sure she was still alive... lol). Hopefully the good behavior/patience holds up for 30 more hours, since most likely day 2 will merge into my 1st night alone and 3rd day alone all-in-one. (hubby is most likely gunna get stuck spending the night near Waco). here's hoping all four of us get a good nap in :)
* Ruth did it again! She slept 7 hours straight last night. Praise God!! 8:30pm-3:30am. I need to start learning to go to bed at 8:30 and take better advantage of her sleep schedule!! At least I didn't wake every 20 minutes last night, instead, it was every 45. So I feel more rested, too ;-) I'd forgotten how so little sleep could actually feel like a lot! (Jan 11, 2012)
* Pinch me. Ruth
slept from 10:30pm-6:30am - 8 hours! Of course she wants to nurse NONSTOP this
morning. But, it's so worth it :) (Jan 12, 2012)
* so glad Faith's finally
reached an age where she doesn't feel the need to eat play-doh
* Jacob to Nathan: "Do you know what Ruth's middle name is?" Nathan: "Yes, waaah wahhhhh waaaaahhhh!" lol
* I love the sound of
a baby snoring on my lap. I should be going to bed... but the sounds are too
sweet to miss.
* Ruth's one month
old today! She's napping - it's the first time she's ever been in her crib...
how crazy is that. Both other kids were in their crib by end of their first
week. This time around it's been harder for me to let her be far away from me.
Maybe I'm turning into a softy ;-)
* It makes me laugh
to watch Jacob try to figure out how to let all three kids sit on his lap to
watch football together... they wall want a piece of him. I don't think he can
even see the tv, but I don't think he'd trade down to an empty lap, either :)
The kids love their daddy - and so do I ;)
* Faith & Nathan
are finally saying enough words that they each want to pray at bedtime now. It
is SOOOO sweet to hear them thanking God for things from their busy day! And to
think, it must bless God's heart even more than it does Jacob's & mine. We
are so blessed to serve a great big God and have kids that love Him, too.
* Faith did her own
hair and make-up this morning. haha She was content to sit and watch Dora while
I fed Ruth. I almost burst into laughter when she turned around. She's a
mess... Or as she says, she's a super cute mess ;)
* Faith found a James Avery jewelry
catalog in the mail pile. She opened it up gasping, "oh butiful!"
Then she went running to Jacob saying, "Daddy, I want dis" LOL She's
learning way too early ;-)
* Day 4 away from my
kids (I've never been away from them before this trip to MD). Apparently as Jacob pulled into
our driveway today, Nathan pointed to our van and said, "Momma's Van.
Momma no home... Momma lost." Ohhhhhh!!! Makes this Momma have a broken
heart... At least I know they're having fun with daddy - and my trip to MD has
been filled with better news everyday. God is good!
* big sibs introduced
baby sis to Dora today. She liked it. Although I think it was sitting with (and
getting all kinds of attention from) her big sibs that she mostly loved ;)
* sharing the Easter
story with the kids this morning, I asked them if they knew what an angel was.
Nathan said, "yeah, me!" hahaha
* got the chance to
witness to a neighbor today, thanks to my kids picking their flowers. Just when
I was thinking being a SAHM limits my interaction with non-christians &
opportunities to witness, God teaches me that being a SAHM actually increases
my opportunities. I just need to be willing.
* We just got home from the grocery store... Nathan messed his
pants. But it wasn't wet or leaking, so it could wait till I put groceries away
and soothed an upset baby. As I picked Ruth up out of her carseat, Faith came
over to me, held out her hand and said "poop poo?" I was horrified. I
wouldn't normally take a photo of this... but my camera was literally right
next to me, so I snapped this pic and then briskly rushed her to the bathroom
to clean up. I tried to get her to drop the poo in the toilet. She missed. It
hit the floor with a "clunk" - it wasn't poo. It was a stone. A stone
that just happened to be the right color, size and shape of poo that has been
squished in a small child's rear end... where'd she get the stone? I dunno...
but I was thankful it wasn't poo - although that would have been a fitting way
to end our trip to the grocery store... why do I think I can take all 3 kids,
even for just a quick trip? I don't if I'll ever learn my lesson.... Oh, I
guess I should add that the brown around Faith's mouth? It's chocolate. I let
them have a piece of easter egg hunt candy for a snack while I unpacked
groceries ;-)
* projectile spit-up
is always easier to take when it's immediately followed by a giant baby grin
* I set Ruth down on
her back (on the rug), so I could chase a dangerous princess dress wearing lion
that was trying to eat me. I escaped the lion's (toy) fork and came back in the
living room to find Ruth asleep - on her belly!! She's been rolling front to
back for almost two months, and she'd been close to getting the hang of back to
front - guess she figured it out!! She's getting so big! (April 11, 2012)
* conversation on the
way home from school...
ME: What letter did you learn about today, Nathan?
NATHAN: J ME: What starts with J?
ME: No, that starts with P... what starts with J?
ME: No... how about Jellybean?
Hmmm.... guess we need to work on this a bit... lol
* Thanking God for the blessing to have babies. Even when that means baby poo. And even when that baby poo lands on my chin...
ME: What letter did you learn about today, Nathan?
NATHAN: J ME: What starts with J?
ME: No, that starts with P... what starts with J?
ME: No... how about Jellybean?
Hmmm.... guess we need to work on this a bit... lol
* Thanking God for the blessing to have babies. Even when that means baby poo. And even when that baby poo lands on my chin...
* Puss n boots is off
to school! Thank you, fb friends, for the ideas. Cost me a whopping $1.50 (for
a hat & feather). Cut up an old belt to fit him, hot glued a foam sword in
(so he can't play with it) and cut up a black bedsheet that we'll never use (came with the guest bed we bought). A
ribbon for a tail. And he already had the boots & orange clothes (he's a
clemson kid, like it or not, he'll always have orange... haha).
* conversation with
the kids this morning:
ME: Is Faith going to grow up to be a Mommy one day?
ME: Is Nathan going to grow up to be a Daddy one day?
NATHAN: Yeah. Baby Ruth?
ME: Baby Ruth's going to grow up one day, too.
NATHAN: Yeah. And Mommy, too.
LOL - nothing like a 3 year old telling me I'll grow up one day.... Guess there's hope for us all ;-) ROFL
* on the way out of our neighborhood last night, Faith dramatically gasps with excitement. "I see it!!!!!! I see it!!!!!!!" She screams, so excited, she can barely hold it in. "I see it, Daddy!!!!!!" We're wondering what she's talking about.... then she blurts out, "I see it!!! FRENCH FRIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and she points towards the golden arches in the distance. LOL We're still laughing about that one. Funny thing is, we go to McDs, at most, 1-2 times a month. But apparently french fries have made quite an impression on her ;-)
* Nathan had cheese balls for the first time today. He said, "I like dat. It fuzzy in my mouth" haha That's an interesting description :)
ME: Is Faith going to grow up to be a Mommy one day?
ME: Is Nathan going to grow up to be a Daddy one day?
NATHAN: Yeah. Baby Ruth?
ME: Baby Ruth's going to grow up one day, too.
NATHAN: Yeah. And Mommy, too.
LOL - nothing like a 3 year old telling me I'll grow up one day.... Guess there's hope for us all ;-) ROFL
* on the way out of our neighborhood last night, Faith dramatically gasps with excitement. "I see it!!!!!! I see it!!!!!!!" She screams, so excited, she can barely hold it in. "I see it, Daddy!!!!!!" We're wondering what she's talking about.... then she blurts out, "I see it!!! FRENCH FRIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and she points towards the golden arches in the distance. LOL We're still laughing about that one. Funny thing is, we go to McDs, at most, 1-2 times a month. But apparently french fries have made quite an impression on her ;-)
* Nathan had cheese balls for the first time today. He said, "I like dat. It fuzzy in my mouth" haha That's an interesting description :)
* watching Jacob get
massacred in wii swordplay by our 3 year old. Jacob's trying hard not to show
his frustration that he can't beat Nathan. It's funny!
* Nathan's getting
good at counting to 25. Except, he skips over 15-17 and he thinks 24 is
pronounced "twenty yo-yo" hehe
* After dinner,
Nathan & Faith rode bikes outside while Jacob watched and talked to
neighbor. Both kids came storming in the house with excitement. "Momma,
focky fock focky fock!" They motioned for me to come outside and Nathan
kept saying, "Come on Momma, focky fock!!!" They pulled me thru the
garage, so excited. And I had no clue what was going on. Early mother's day
surprise maybe??? And why were my kids saying what sounded like bad words?!? We
get outside, they're still excited and they point to the sky. "Focky
fock!!!" All I see is a plane and an electrical tower. "No,"
they say, "focky fock!!!" What on earth are they so excited about?!?!
We continue this conversation for 2-3 minutes until Jacob comes back from
across the street and I ask him. He is no help in figuring out why the kids are
sooo excited. Then it dawns on me... they're pointing to the storm clouds
moving in and calling them "Foggy fog". Now I know my kids watch far
too much Dora.... and apparently I do, too, since I eventually figured them
out. LOL
* question.... say you gave your kids each a thing of yogurt for a snack. Let's
just assume these kids are, I dunno... 2 & 3 years old? And while they
peacefully eat their snack in the kitchen, you go fold clothes in the other
room. And then when the kids get quiet, you're wise enough to go peek on them.
And say, totally hypothetical, your kids are sitting at the table with 16 open cups
of yogurt between the two of them, all open and mixed together. What might a
mom do with all that open yogurt while those children spend the next 15 hours
in the corner?? Just a random question to get your creative juices flowing and
remind us all, our kids can do more than we think they can.... (update: I made frozen yogurt dots... and stopped buying yogurt in bulk. ha)
* packing away more
baby clothes today... Cause my FIVE month old is now in 12 month clothes. She's
following in big brother's footsteps.... Thanking God for a healthy, happy,
growing baby girl who is current on all fours, rocking back & forth... I'm
just waiting for her to figure out she can crawl (not necessarily with
excitement... She's so much easier when she stays in one spot) :)
* bye bye
diapers (well some anyways...) Faith is officially potty trained!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
woo hoo!!!!!!!!! She was SOOOOO much easier than big brother!! (once she
decided to try it) (June 13, 2012)
* oh no!!! Justin
Bieber is on the today show and Faith just smiled and said, "I like that
boy, hehe" How can a 2 year old get bieber fever?!?! ahh! She's bopping to
the music...
* Conversation at
lunch today...
Me: Nathan, who is sillier, Mommy or Daddy?
Nathan: Daddy
Me: Who is smarter, Mommy or Daddy?
Nathan: Mommy
Me: Who is stronger, Mommy or Daddy?
Nathan: Jesus!
hehe, smart kid ;)
Me: Nathan, who is sillier, Mommy or Daddy?
Nathan: Daddy
Me: Who is smarter, Mommy or Daddy?
Nathan: Mommy
Me: Who is stronger, Mommy or Daddy?
Nathan: Jesus!
hehe, smart kid ;)
* lunch today fits our C
week great. Crab hot dogs. My mom use to make these for us, but
I thought adding eyes would make them even more fun to eat. The kids are having
a blast. Nathan is talking for his crab, saying, "no.. no... don't eat my eyes" as he pops
the raisins in his mouth. lol
* Faith just made
truck tacos and choo choo cake. Guess there's no need for me to cook dinner
tonight. Woo hoo! On the downside, we all might need a dentist later tonight ;)
* one of those days... been soo busy juggling preparing for 4 different events that it just now dawned on me (at 5:30pm) that I never fed the kids lunch!!! Just give me the bad mom of the year award now.... Im so surprised no one complained at nap time!!
* 24 hours into visiting Gramma & Grampa, and my kids have eaten: multiple chocolate milkshakes, soft pretzels, hot dogs, chicken nuggets, M&Ms, toaster pastries, blueberry strudel, combos, marshmallows, and fruit gummy snacks. And those are just the foods I know about... ha
* Back home from MD.
Everyone slept well. And kids are "grandparent detoxing" surprisingly
well! But I'll bet there's still a few people from our flight last night
talking about "the 2 year old who SCREAMED for half the flight." Boy
am I glad that's over....
* Ruth's first taste of french fries (waffle fries). I think it may have convinced her that not all solid foods are evil ;)
* My fever keeps coming & going. I've never been sick like this before.... but I must admit it makes me feel better when I hear Jacob (watching the kids) saying things like, "Oh! Who put the coloring book in the toilet? We do NOT play with toilet water, this is the 2nd time I've had to tell you that tonight!" hehe Maybe a little humor is what this sick momma needs to get better. But I don't think Jacob finds it as humorous.... ;)
* For the last many weeks,
we've been trying to help teach the kids to ASK for things, not tell us they
want something ("May I please have..." vs "I want...").
Faith's not quite catching on, hence our conversation at dinner:
Faith - "more green beans!"
Me - "finish whats on your plate, then ask me nicely"
Faith, after cleaning plate - "green beans now?"
Me - "what about the green beans?"
Faith - "put in my mouth!"
Jacob & I tried sooo hard not to laugh, we couldn't hold it in. She eventually did ask, and had 2 more helpings of green beans. :)
Faith - "more green beans!"
Me - "finish whats on your plate, then ask me nicely"
Faith, after cleaning plate - "green beans now?"
Me - "what about the green beans?"
Faith - "put in my mouth!"
Jacob & I tried sooo hard not to laugh, we couldn't hold it in. She eventually did ask, and had 2 more helpings of green beans. :)
* why do I always
think, "I'll just go to the grocery store in the morning with all the kids,
so I don't have to skip out on family time tonight, it won't be too hard, I've
got an organized list." Then morning comes and I spend 2 1/2 hours of
torture at walmart with 3 kids. Stopping to pick up dropped toys. Breaking up
fights over who can carry the underwear. Smacking hands for toppling all the
apples over. Breaking, just when we're on a roll, to track back to the other
side of the store for potty breaks. Hiding around the corner and pretending I
don't know that screaming 2 year old on the floor. Having to purchase 1/2 dozen
broken eggs, cause my kids squashed them. Scolding the kids for playing leap
frog in the middle of the main aisle as an eldery man is trying to figure out
how to go around them. Taking a 2nd trip to the family bathrooms to clean my
shirt from a diaper explosion that happened in the baby bjorn... Trying to keep
my patience intact as I explain why I will not buy them 7 boxes of fruit loops,
any Cars baby bottles, or a 6 pack of fluorescent socks. One positive... the
beer section is hidden around a corner, so I'm pretty sure no one saw Nathan
holding his shirt up, or Faith holding her dress up, and rubbing their bare
tummies on the beer fridge glass doors..... no, I wasn't buying beer - it was
just right around the corner from the juice. And no, I haven't the slightest
idea why they were rubbing their tummies on the glass... but I DO know that
next time I have the thought, "I'll just take the kids tomorrow", I
will come back and read this post. And I'll go step on a wasps nest instead. I love my kids, I really do. But I love NOT taking them all grocery shopping, too
* it's hard to get
annoyed when I'm trying to clean the floors, take the area rug outside to clean
and come back to see that Nathan is not just sitting in the middle of my work
space just to be in the way, but he's trying to get his baby sister to play
ball with him. Ruth loved the attention, but wasn't completely sure what her
brother wanted from her. When she didn't catch the ball, he'd still say,
"Good try Ruthie bear!" hard to be frustrated when such cuteness
abounds :)
* No, she's not
smiling cause she loves green beans. She's smiling cause her Mommy's wearing
more green beans than she is.
* Looks so painful,
but she was so comfortable, she put herself to sleep in the middle of the
living room :)
* After helping each other clean up before naps, I hear:
Nathan - "Faith, you my best friend"
Faith - "Best friends?!? Thank you!"
Nathan- "Yeah, best friends!"
Faith - "I love you nay nay"
Awwwwww! To make it even better, no one smacked the other upside the head after being so sweet. I love my kiddos - God was so right (as always), they really are a reward & blessing :)
* I know someone
who's getting her mattress lowered tonight... hehe Ruth discovered her new
"pulling herself up" talent last night. And today, that's ALL she's
done, search out place & things that she can crawl to, then pull herself up
on. Maybe my laidback baby isn't going to be a late walker, after all. Uh oh.
:) (August 23, 2012)
* First day "homeschooling" - I have a hard time calling it that, since it's just PreK for 15 minutes a day... so I don't really feel like it's school... Faith has had me laughing all day though. She said she wants to be my teacher, Nathan can be her teacher and I should teach Nathan. Then we did the first lesson from the book, the kids had to repeat words I said very slowly, sounding out each letter. Words like Motorboat, Ice Cream, Me. When I said "meeeee", Faith replied, "youuuuu." It took 3-4 tries before she finally realized she wasn't suppose to say, "you". So we tried again. I said, "meee" and she said, "Mommaaaaa" lol Oh, and her new favorite word today? Diarrhea. She's going around the house saying, "Diarrhea, diarrhea, it's kinda icky." No, I will not teach her the song, Uncle Dave. :) And no, diarrhea was not part of today's lesson..... just a bonus, if you can call it that... lol
* First day "homeschooling" - I have a hard time calling it that, since it's just PreK for 15 minutes a day... so I don't really feel like it's school... Faith has had me laughing all day though. She said she wants to be my teacher, Nathan can be her teacher and I should teach Nathan. Then we did the first lesson from the book, the kids had to repeat words I said very slowly, sounding out each letter. Words like Motorboat, Ice Cream, Me. When I said "meeeee", Faith replied, "youuuuu." It took 3-4 tries before she finally realized she wasn't suppose to say, "you". So we tried again. I said, "meee" and she said, "Mommaaaaa" lol Oh, and her new favorite word today? Diarrhea. She's going around the house saying, "Diarrhea, diarrhea, it's kinda icky." No, I will not teach her the song, Uncle Dave. :) And no, diarrhea was not part of today's lesson..... just a bonus, if you can call it that... lol
* Day 3 of preschool
at home. Faith has decided she hates school and would rather hide under the
table. Nathan, on the other hand, is still enjoying it.
* Left Awana kick-off
tonight, and after starting the van Nathan says, "Go home, watch
football??" Jacob's so proud his brainwashing is working.... someone help
my kids!
* I love it when I
chase Nathan around our staircase (through 2 different rooms, in a circle). I chase him
around twice, then hide. And he keeps "chasing" me for 3-4 more laps
before he realizes I stopped. hehe One day, he'll catch on faster and I'll be
the one chasing no one... lol
* Proud new owners of
their very own library cards. Only took about 15 attempts to get them to show
me their cards and smile... ha And apparently they didn't want to show the
front of their cards. And why they felt the need to put them on their heads??
no idea. But I'm estatic that they're both looking at the camera at the same
time :D And no, that's not food (or a booger) on Nathan - its the remnants from
a parking lot fall last week...
* Awana starts
tonight!! My kids are already wearing their Cubbies & Puggles uniforms.
Actually, Nathan wanted to sleep in his last night... hehe
* I *think*
I see someone's first tooth just barely popping thru!! Woo hoo! (Sept 6, 2012)
* It's been an eventful month in Ruth's life so far, and it's only the 10th!
First word was Dada (technically in August). 2nd word (I think) is nay nay
(Nathan's self given nickname). First tooth finally popped thru this morning.
And, yesterday, her first (assisted) steps! Way to go, Ruth! (Sept 10)
* 8 months old, and Ruth is learning to walk. She relies heavily on Mommy for stability, but not very much for support. This is only her 2nd attempt at taking ...
* Excuse this bit of TMI for all you non-parents out there. But I'm so thrilled!! After 11+ months of trying, screaming, yelling, pleading, fighting, bribing, feeding stool softners and other unmentionables.... Nathan FINALLY pooped in the potty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really, it's been more than 11 months... But 11 months ago he was fully trained for #1. And he's resisted #2... here's to Ruth being the only one who will wear a diaper in our house tonight :) (Sept 12, 2012)
* Nathan
officially finished his poo poo chart. So to celebrate, I took him on the
year-long awaited trip to get a prize from the dollar store for being fully
potty trained. The place was packed. We walk in the door, and Nathan shouts for
all to hear (with great excitement) "I POO POOED IN THE POTTY!!!!"
Everyone turns, looks, smiles. Not sure if they were smiling at the cute little
boy. Or the bright red faced momma behind him. lol Congratulations, big boy.
You finally did it :) (Sept 16, 2012)
* Ruth's newest
word... Momma. * * * (Sept 17, 2012)
* Selfishly wanted a
PJ day today... so I bribed the kids with cookies. "Do you want to stay
home and make cookies, or go to the library?" They got soo excited about
the library. I couldn't even touch the excitement with a promise of cookies.
Guess I should be thankful that the library is so high on their list of
* Spent my
morning putting away Ruth's 9-12 month clothes... and even a few 18month
shirts! Then pulling out all the 24-2T girl clothes. She's not even 9 months
old yet!!
* Baking cookies with
the kids. Nathan counts as I drop them on the baking sheet. "1... 2....
3.... 4 mine.... 5.... 6 mine.... 7.... 8 mine..., 9..., 10 mine....,
11..." lol
* conversation with
the big sibs this afternoon...
Nathan: "see football after naps?"
Me: "yes"
Nathan: "yay!!"
Faith: "that sounds like a GREAT idea!"
Me: "why do you like football so much?"
Faith: "umm...."
Nathan: "Cause Daddy said so"
Faith: "yeah, daddy said so!"
Aha!! Proof, they've been brainwashed!!
Nathan: "see football after naps?"
Me: "yes"
Nathan: "yay!!"
Faith: "that sounds like a GREAT idea!"
Me: "why do you like football so much?"
Faith: "umm...."
Nathan: "Cause Daddy said so"
Faith: "yeah, daddy said so!"
Aha!! Proof, they've been brainwashed!!
* Nathan is
soooooooooooooooooooooo excited to go to Gramma & Grampa's house. For the
last 6 days, he's been asking, "5 more days till go to Gramma's
house?!?" He's counting down well. Then today, I think he's asked 400
times so far, "One more minute till we go Gramma's house?!?" He
couldn't sit still before dinner, he was sooooo excited and asked to pray,
"Dear Jesus, thank you I go Gramma & Grampa's house soon, amen!"
And tonight, if I didn't know better, I'd think Jacob gave him 5 energy drinks
with all the excitement he's trying so hard to contain. He can't wait to go to
Gramma & Grampa's house. I sure hope he gets these wiggles out before we're
on the plane :)
* I had to take this
pic when I checked on the kids last night, before I went to bed. I think they
love their new shoes from Gramma - haha!! And yes, looks like Faith is a bit of
a bed hog, too ;)
* Last week, Jacob took the
kids to a CHFBS high school football game and the kids saw cheerleaders
screaming, "Beat 'em!" at the end of their cheers. This is Faith's
interpretation of that cheer. LOL
* Checked on Nathan & Faith before going to bed last night. It was 11pm and there was noise coming from their room. I listened before opening the door. They were singing, "Jesus Loves Me" quietly in unison. I opened the door to see them reclined next to each other, singing together and smiling. How can a mom be upset about them up past their bedtime when they're doing that?? :)
* at dinner, I asked
the kids if they wanted to go pick out a pumpkin tomorrow and make a smiley
face in it with Grampa. Faith was excited! Nathan said, "No, I make sad
face". I asked him why he didn't want a happy face, but he just hung his
head and frowned. I asked why he was so sad. And he said, "Cause I miss my
Gramma" Aww :) he loves you, Gramma but we all hope you're having a great
time at the retreat!!!
* conversation with kids
today, after playing outside and getting goat head on our clothes:
Nathan: "I got prinkly things, why God made those?"
Me: "I don't know, one day we'll have to ask Him"
Faith: "I ask God to make purple grass for me"
* Faith just exclaimed, "Oh wow, it raining! God gave me rain for my birthday, yay!"
* Faith dressed herself this morning. And did a pretty good job. Until I just now noticed... a double layer of underwear. She didn't take the old pair off first before putting on clean ones. ha
Nathan: "I got prinkly things, why God made those?"
Me: "I don't know, one day we'll have to ask Him"
Faith: "I ask God to make purple grass for me"
* Faith just exclaimed, "Oh wow, it raining! God gave me rain for my birthday, yay!"
* Faith dressed herself this morning. And did a pretty good job. Until I just now noticed... a double layer of underwear. She didn't take the old pair off first before putting on clean ones. ha
* Faithism of the
day... while taking a bath, Faith holds a pile of bubbles in hands and sniffs
them. She smiles and says, "Mmmmm... smells like garbage!" What?!?!
Apparently I need to get better at teaching her vocabulary ;)
* Kids had us
laughing, again, this morning. They were playing hide & seek in the back
seat of the van! hahaha. One would close their eyes and count, the other would
close their eyes and I think they thought that meant they were
"hiding." It was hysterical to hear them shout, "I found
you!" or "Surprise, you didn't find me!" Of course, when I started
videoing them, they weren't nearly as funny and soon stopped playing
altogether. But they still crack us up!
* This is one of
those parenting moments I will laugh at one day, right?? Yes. It's all nailpolish.

* For those that need a
laugh, like me, here's Faith's version of the ABC song: "A B C D E F G H I
G...." and it could go on an one forever. But, she doesn't go forever because
she has a big brother to interrupt & correct her... haha For those of you
who didn't read that song, and just skimmed by wondering what's so funny...
Faith thinks "V" is "B" and so when she gets to the letter
"V" she starts back at the letter "B" ha
* Random quote of the day
from Faith: while we were talking about the rain , she interjected,"I
don't like gecko in my pie, momma."
* When Nathan was a baby,
he LOVED to dance to mariachi music. Faith loved to dance to ANY music. And
Ruth?? Her favorite is Gangnam Style. So I couldn't help but do this.... I
know... I know... bad mommy. But its still funny :D (The video is available for a limited time at jibjab - http://www.jibjab.com/view/dAs4LdqgQ_6MxunMy2qWmA)
* We successfully
surprised Jacob! He's been in Houston the last few days and the kids really
wanted to surprise him by putting lights on our house. Strangely they offered
no real help in the project.... Ha ha. But they did surprise daddy tonight! Now
they just have to convince him that we need MORE lights on the roofline.... I
was chickening out enough on a 6' ladder... I couldn't even attempt the roof.
* my kids taught me
something new today... how my parents probably felt when we went in search of
(and found) our Christmas gifts....
* Faith's new favorite toy
is an empty oatmeal container that's lid is glued on. She's had it for a year.
In her play kitchen. But all of the sudden it has to go everywhere she goes.
She crawled into bed with me, in the wee hours of the morning with her oatmeal
friend. Ha.
* Free to good home: Two
children. Cute, cuddly, good with other kids and small dogs. Also good at
problem solving to find creative ways to break expensive things, they have such
a great sense of humor that they'll laugh at you when you discipline them and
they have better than average dexterity for their age when it comes to using
scissors in inappropriate ways....
* Who's idea was it to get
faith nail polish for Christmas?!? That person needs to have her head
checked...... And now her floors cleaned..............
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